Thursday, October 06, 2005

On My Honor...

Today, there are too few people willing to protect the helpless, or help the oppressed, or fight for what is good and right, or even defend the virtue of a lady. So many choose the easy road. The road where they can blame others for their actions, where nothing is their fault and they take no responsibility for themselves, their families, or their nation. After Katrina, Police left their posts and walked away. In the Superdome, people were raped and killed and no one even attempted to intervene on their behalf. Everyday, women and children are left to fend for themselves, or depend on the government for assistance, while the fathers and husbands and boyfriends sit on their ass and watch it all happen. (If they are even still around.)
It hurts my spirit.

Long ago, when the world could still tell the difference between Good & Evil, before the "grey area" (that so many things seem to fall into) was ever used as an excuse, there was a Code that Knights were sworn to live by.

The Code Of Chivalry

The code states that;

Thou shalt respect the weak and constitute thyself the defender thereof.
Thou shalt love the land to which thou hast sworn fealty.
Thou shalt not recoil before the enemy.
Thou shalt make war upon evil without exception.
Thou shalt scrupulously perform thy noble duties, be they not contrary to the laws of the land.
Thou shalt be generous and give freely to everyone.
Thou shalt never lie and shall always be faithful to thy word.
Thou shalt always and everywhere be the champion of the Right and the Good against Injustice and Evil.


A Knight is sworn to Valor;
His heart must know only Virtue;
His blade must defend the helpless,
And his might shall uphold all weak.
His breath shall bring words that speak only truth.
His justly wrath shall undo the wicked.

These tenets to live by, exemplify the seven Knightly Virtues of:
Justice, Loyalty, Defense, Courage, Faith, Humility, and Generosity.
I believe that these were intended to counter the Seven Deadly Sins of: Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Envy, and Pride.

I, for one, have chosen to do my best to live by this Code.
Don't get me wrong, I haven't always. There was a time when I found myself right there along with the wicked. But, I have sworn, an oath before God, that I will strike out against Evil wheresoever I may find it, and I will help those who are unable to help themselves.
It is never too late to become a good person. It is never too late to walk the path of virtue. The hard part is staying on that path.
It is not always easy to do the right thing, but it is always right.

Every week with my Scouts I repeat this oath:
On My Honor,
I will do my best,
To do my Duty to God and my country,
And to obey the Scout Law.
To help other people at all times,
To keep myself physically fit, mentally awake, and morally straight.

These are the Knights of tomorrow.
This is the Code they will live by.
They are our future... On My Honor...

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